Chaetophractus vellerosus


Chaetophractus vellerosus is categorized as Least Concern (LC) due to its wide distribution, its presence in numerous protected areas, and its presumed large population size. However, it is hunted throughout much of its range for food and/or crafts. In addition, it is frequently fought in cultivated areas. Likewise, in Argentina there is a subpopulation in the east of the province of Buenos Aires (Crespo 1974; Carlini & Vizcaíno 1987; Abba et al. 2011) that requires more attention. This subpopulation is isolated from the main population and subject to numerous threats that may lead to local extinction in the medium term. The main threat to this subpopulation is the mining activity (extraction of shell) and to a lesser extent the agricultural-livestock activity, the impact caused by dogs and run over on roads. This subpopulation is categorized as EN B1ab(i,ii,iii,v).

2019 categorization of mammals in Argentina according to their risk of extinction. Red List of mammals in Argentina. Digital version
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Alejandro Manuel Ferreiro
Alejandro Manuel Ferreiro
Post-doctoral fellow

My research interests include Evolution, Biogeography and Conservation of terrestrial vertebrates.
